Sunday, August 25, 2013

What Happened?

You'll notice that I haven't posted any new puzzles in quite a while. The reason is that I haven't gotten any feedback from the site in a long time. I posted puzzles for over a year and gained only 5 followers and only a couple of comments. This indicates to me that there is very little interest in Bible based puzzles. I don't see any point in posting new puzzles if they're just sitting here and not being used by anyone. I don't plan to post any new puzzles unless I see some activity here; i.e. several new followers or some comments.
You can contact me via e-mail,

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I am still viewing them sometimes!

    Shame not many people are interested. :( You should try advertising?

    Have you gotten any adword vouchers? :)


Thanks for commenting!